What You Don’t Know About Money Could Be Costing You Millions

You may not think about it often, but money is one of the most important things in life and has a huge part of our living, but it can also be one of the most confusing. A lot of people don’t take the time to learn about money and how it can be costly; that is why they lose out on money due to a lack of knowledge or awareness.

In fact, not understanding money can be costly both financially and emotionally. That is why you need to learn some of the things that you may not know about money and how it can cost you dearly, also as how to fix these mistakes and improve your financial situation.

What Mistakes You Should Know To Avoid Being Indebted?

Financial pitfalls occur in life, and financial mistakes are inevitable even with the greatest of intentions. But it is not only about the errors you are making, but it is also about the chances you may be overlooking. To avoid being indebted, there are costly money mistakes that you have to steer clear.

These are the mistakes you should avoid:

1. Deciding to Not Invest for Your Future

It is a heavy financial mistake to not put your money to work. A wise investment strategy that takes advantage of not only your retirement savings but also tax-advantaged programs such as an individual retirement account is the greatest way to fulfill long-term financial goals. Diversify your investment portfolio as much as possible by engaging in initiatives such as peer-to-peer lending

2. Taking Advantage of Buying a New Car

You should not buy a new car just because you can afford the payment. A used vehicle is usually a better deal than a new vehicle because after the first year or two the depreciation decreases. Vehicles are depreciating assets, which means their value decreases as they age. In the first year of ownership, a new car loses 20-30% of its value. That is why financing a car instead of saving that money and earning increasing interest can lead to $1 million.

3. Allowing Your Credit Report Unmonitored

Even if you’re careful with your finances, it’s critical to examine your credit reports regularly to confirm that you’re genuinely accountable for all of the items on them. Fraud is a growing type of violence, and it’s also possible that a banker or credit agency will make a mistake that will damage your credit.

4. Making Decisions Without Financial Planning

Failure to create a financial plan or budget is a typical financial mistake. Your financial plan serves as a road map for achieving your financial objectives. It is all about setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals and developing an investment and savings strategy to get there. A meeting with a financial coach is frequently suggested for a good start.


It is often said that the best way to learn is by example. When it comes to financial mistakes, this rings especially true. By understanding what common money blunders people make, you can work on avoiding them yourself and keep your finances in check. To avoid being indebted, you need to be aware of the mistakes that can lead you there.

Avoiding these mistakes can be a difficult task for you because you don’t know how it happens or what can lead you down this path. If you want to make sure that your finances are in good shape, having a financial coach is a good step. At Wealtheo, we can help you learn about personal finance planning. Subscribe to Wealtheo+ to learn more gain access to our courses.

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